An offer in compromise can make you happy: "Oh boy, the IRS said yes, and my tax debts are over!" Or it can frustrate you. Let's go over how to navigate the IRS settlement guidelines and see what an OIC entails. Here's the good news:
But here's some of the bad news:
But wait! It gets even more dicey:
Let's see where that leaves us:
A compromise is not the only way to clear the IRS out of your life. The agency can agree that you owe debt, but not force you to repay it — the IRS terms it currently uncollectible and puts you in its bad debt category and leaves you alone. The IRS has 10 years to collect the taxes. You could let the time frame expire rather than compromising. Bankruptcy may be able to eliminate taxes too. See what's in your best interest. The point is that you have options, and you should talk to a professional if you're having tax problems. Comments are closed.
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