Gen Zers, who are also known as zoomers, comprise about 70 million Americans born between the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2010s. As they continue to mature, they will increasingly shape workplace culture and dynamics. Thus, employers must adapt and understand their hopes, fears, values and distinctive aspirations.
The small business pages on serve as comprehensive guides for people looking to navigate the entire life cycle of their business as well as their business-related tax obligations.
There is nothing so demoralizing as reporting to a boss who makes every single discussion feel like a performance review, wants every trivial decision green-lighted and signed off on, and makes every comment a nitpick.
It is hardly surprising that employees would prefer to work 28 hours a week instead of 40. The latest argument for implementing a four-day week does not call for compressing the time between Monday and Thursday (or any other combination of days) into four equal segments. It would mean a reduction in total hours, say, 28 hours over four days, with a three-day weekend.
“Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization,” according to the University of California, Berkeley.
Finding a healthy and sustainable balance between remote workers and in-person employees can become rather complicated. Companies that do not actively work to improve this area of their business operations may find themselves losing valuable employees when this could have been prevented.
Are you rethinking your workforce strategy? The pandemic drastically changed markets. Many businesses closed in 2020, others retrenched and still others boomed. As you address your company's needs, are you wondering if you have enough workers to operate effectively?
Implementing the practice of conducting one-on-one meetings with your employees is an excellent way to begin establishing rapport, ultimately making your employees feel appreciated and improving their productivity levels overall. While most managers are aware of the benefits of one-on-ones, not every employer understands how to improve one-on-one meetings in an effective manner.
In a flexible work arrangement, employees typically get to choose their work location and their work arrival and departure times. They may also have the ability to schedule their workday however they see fit. But as noted by the Department of Labor, "Under some [flexible work] policies, employees must work a prescribed number of hours a pay period and be present during a daily 'core time.'"
Pandemic fatigue. Employee burnout. Whatever you call it, it is the culmination of a tough year that spared no one. At the start, everything was up in the air and no one knew how things would settle. As time went on, a new normal — which was anything but normal — emerged.
Over the past 10 years or so, companies have spent trillions of dollars on research and development (R&D). To remain competitive after the Covid-19 pandemic ends, companies must continue making these investments. But they need to rethink how they do that.
Do you want to be more productive? First, let's consider how you and your staff are spending time. As your company grows, it becomes increasingly important to keep on top of who is spending how much time doing what. Time management tools can help. Being on top of accountability and process improvement will help you enhance productivity measures.
It is not news that the talent shortage is making employers think about ways to attract and retain exceptional talent. Offering a range of benefits is one such method they are using, and the statistics bear them out: 80 percent of workers would keep a job with benefits rather than take one that offered more pay but no benefits. It should come as no surprise the Society for Human Resource Management found that retention (72 percent) and recruiting (58 percent) were top reasons companies increased their benefits.
According to a spokesperson from the Risk Unit of Marquette University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, "Establishing effective internal controls can help a department operate more efficiently and effectively and provide a reasonable level of assurance that the processes and products for which it is responsible are adequately protected."
Budget forecasting is an essential part of good financial management, yet many companies rely on their once-a-year projections throughout the year. Although that strategy may have worked in the past, it’s no longer effective. Things are moving too fast: Technology, government regulations and artificial intelligence are only some of the disruptors businesses are subject to on a regular basis.
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